From 1985 to 2015 extensive instrumentation with geotechnical measuring instruments followed by long-term observation in the U1 investigation area and in the main tunnel. The U1 was extended to a rock laboratory, where the swellable mountain (claystone containing anhydrite) was
Stuttgart 21
Since 1995 we have already carried out more than 1000 borehole deformability tests in the course of preliminary exploration and during construction work. In addition, primary stress measurements with the triaxial cell CSIRO and borehole scans. Numerous boreholes were equipped with
Katzenberg Tunnel
Upgrading of bores with combined sliding deformer/inclinometer measuring piping and multiple extensometers in the course of the exploration for the new construction of the Katzenberg Tunnel Karlsruhe-Basel extension and new construction line (ABS/NBS Karlsruhe-Basel) of Deutsche Bahn AG. Setup of
Dam projects on the Nile in Sudan
Numerous borehole deformability tests and borehole scans at the planned hydropower plants: Shereik Kajbar Sabaloka Upper Atbara Dal Mograt Dagash in the years 2007 to 2010
Yedigöl & Aksu Hydroelectric Power Project (HPP), Turkey
Perform borehole deformability tests and optical borehole scans (ETIBS), determine the stress condition with the borehole slotter in the exploration boreholes for the Yedig oil and Aksu power plant projects and install multiple extensometers with electrical displacement transducers and electrical
Tanahu HPP, Nepal
Perform borehole deformability tests with the Ettlingen dilatometer, use the ETIBS optical borehole scanner to inspect the exploratory boreholes, and perform stress measurements with the borehole slotter in the exploratory tunnel for the Tanahu HPP in 2017. The hydrological and